One Dead, Two Hospitalized After Vehicle Crash In Bear Lake County!

One man is dead and two are hospitalized following an Oct. 29 crash, according to the Idaho State Police (ISP).

According to the police, the collision happened on US Highway 89, near US Highway 36, at around 10:30 in the morning. Driving north on Highway 89 in a 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe was a 21-year-old Ogden, Utah lady.

As she crossed the center line to merge onto Highway 36, she struck a 54-year-old Ogden, Utah man who was traveling south in a 2003 Cadillac Deville.

Police claim that the Cadillac’s driver was not using a seatbelt when he passed away from his wounds in the hospital. Additionally, he had two other passengers in the car who were rushed to the hospital; their conditions are unknown.

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While workers cleared the road, both routes were stopped for around three hours. The ISP is looking into the incident.

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