Lake County’s First Miracle League Christmas Drive

Eastlake North High School’s softball team recently joined the Miracle League of Lake County for a special Holiday Drive-Through event at Miracle Field in Eastlake. Around 200 athletes took part in this unique experience on December 6.

Joyful Christmas Drive-Through with 10 Stations

Rebecca Boslett, from the Miracle League operations team, shared that this was their first Christmas drive-through.

They organized ten stations and made sure to include activities for siblings too. Participants could stay in their cars, many even in their pajamas, enjoying Christmas music and meeting characters along the route.

Miracle League of Lake County hosts first Christmas-themed drive-through:

Community Support Makes It Possible

Boslett credited the success of the event to the incredible support from the community, which she fondly referred to as “teammates.”

The inspiration for this drive came from Jenna Newman of Heroes Helping Those With Special Needs, who invited the Miracle League to collaborate.

The Miracle League focuses on including children and adults with disabilities who might otherwise feel excluded from traditional sports.

Partnering with local schools like Eastlake North High School has been a big part of their mission. The softball program regularly supports the Miracle League, with the team often acting as “guest buddies” for the league’s athletes.

In an effort to involve more schools, the league introduced the guest buddy program three years ago. This initiative has seen immense success, with schools from all over Northeast Ohio participating. This interaction not only benefits the athletes but also creates a sense of importance and belonging.

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Growing Support from Various School Districts

Several school districts, including Mentor, Lake Catholic, Kirtland, St. Edward High School, and Eastlake North, have actively supported the Miracle League’s athletes.

Boslett expressed pride in their achievements and the strong support received, stating that they’ve reached capacity and are uncertain about further expansion.

The league’s focus extends beyond the game. They emphasize the importance of friendship, camaraderie, safety, and trust. The athletes not only play but also forge meaningful connections and friendships.

Gifts of Appreciation and Consistent Community

Last Christmas, the league’s athletes received varsity jackets as a token of appreciation. Their community thrives on consistency, ensuring that new athletes joining this season will also receive their jackets soon. Boslett highlighted the importance of this consistency in their community’s growth and success.

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