Astoria Invests $12M in Steinway Street Redesign

Steinway Street in Astoria used to be super busy with shops, but things changed about 50 years ago when people started going to Queens Center mall in Elmhurst.

That’s when the shops on Steinway Street began to struggle. Many people thought it was risky to walk there, and that hurt the street’s businesses for a long time.

A New Plan for Improvement

Recently, Mayor Eric Adams’ team promised $12 million to make Steinway Street better. This money will be used to help small local businesses, make it safer for people to walk around, and make the street more lively. They plan to do things like add safer places for people to walk and create new spaces for folks to enjoy.

City announces $12 million redesign of Steinway Street in Astoria to boost business, increase pedestrian safety:

Community’s Happiness

People in charge of the neighborhood and local businesses are excited about this news. They’ve been asking for these changes for a long time. They believe it will make the street friendlier for people to walk and bring more life back to the area.

Here’s some news that’ll grab your attention for sure:

Making Safety a Priority

This big news came after a lot of residents marched together, asking for safer streets. They wanted better safety, especially after some accidents happened recently.

Thoughts from the Council Member

Council Member Tiffany Cabán thinks this money is a good start. But she feels more needs to be done to make the whole neighborhood safe for everyone who walks, bikes, or has trouble moving around.

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