Teenage Boy Dies in Rollover Crash in Hartley County

On New Year’s Eve, a devastating rollover crash occurred along FM 2577 in Hartley County, claiming the life of a 17-year-old boy, Roberto Lux Lopez, from Cactus.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), the crash took place when Lopez’s 2012 Chevrolet Equinox veered off the road, resulting in a series of dangerous maneuvers that tragically ended in a fatal outcome.

Family’s Heartbreaking Efforts:

In a heart-wrenching turn, social media posts revealed the family’s heartfelt attempts to gather funds for transporting Lopez’s body to Guatemala for burial.

The emotional strain following the loss of their loved one amplifies the gravity of this unfortunate incident.

Check out some of the latest county accident news:

Investigation and Regional Statistics:

Amidst the tragedy, DPS suspects alcohol’s involvement in the crash and has ordered an autopsy, with pending results from blood tests.

This regrettable incident, occurring around 11:35 p.m. approximately 10 miles southeast of Dalhart, adds to the distressing tally of fatal crashes in the Texas Panhandle during 2023.

This marks the 61st fatal crash, resulting in 69 devastating fatalities, as documented by DPS.

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