Unvaccinated Person Can Get Infected by an Infected Person 3 Meters Apart in Less…
A distance of three meters is insufficient for protection. Unvaccinated persons standing less than five minutes…
Booming Economy: The Black Unemployment Rate Returns to Pre-COVID Level
Some groups were impacted more severely by the pandemic recession than others, but these differences are gradually…
U.S. Citizens Push Hard for $1,000 and $2,000 Stimulus Checks via Twitter
Americans are still having a difficult time paying for goods and services as Christmas approaches, so many are…
Harris County to Spend $341 Million to Re-fix Ship Channel Bridge
It's human nature to make mistakes. And similarly, after a costly error, Harris County Commissioners opted to scrap…
Last Child Tax Credit Payment Will be Paid Out Starting Dec 15
On December 15, 2021, the US will pay the last payment for the Child Tax Credit Schedule. This comes along with the…
Opinion: Ancient Humans Had Four Best Things We Lack Today
Despite what it may sound, the people who lived on this planet thousands of years ago did not lack intelligence.…
Certain U.S. States Sending Stimulus Checks Up to $1,000. Will You Receive It?
Christmas is approaching, and certain states are planning to provide their residents a much-needed financial boost.…
This President Biden’s Quote Sums Up His Entire View on Social Security
Social Security is one of the most significant government benefits programs ever created. It's also quite popular.…
Stimulus Payments Between $530 and $3,000 Are Sent to 1000’s of Americans!
Thousands of Americans are receiving additional money in the form of stimulus cheques as Christmas approaches. The…
Latest Agreement Between U.S. and China Bad News For Crypto Miners. Here’s…
Miners are in a bind right now. Marathon Digital Holdings (NASDAQ:MARA), Riot Blockchain (NASDAQ:RIOT), and Hive…