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Donald Trump Claims Entire Credit for COVID-19 Vaccines
While the former president's messaging on pandemics has been shaky at times, he now quotes the COVID-19 vaccine as…
Biden Claims Vaccine Mandate Won’t Disrupt Supply Chain but What’s the…
In the face of concerns from the trucking industry, President Biden said his vaccine mandate will not have a…
The United States Is Growing in the Phase of Fascism. Should You Be Worried?
“Let us be reminded that before there is a final solution, there must be a first solution, a second one, even a…
Pentagon Issues New Definition Extremism Measures Among Commanders and…
On Monday, the Pentagon released a new definition of prohibited extremist activities to provide military commanders…
Poll Shows Biden Approval Scores Hit a Historic Low
In the last few months of his first year in office, Joe Biden's approval rating has hit a new low.
According to an…
Biden Tests Negative for Covid After Contact With a Positive Staff
In the wake of close contact with a White House staffer who contracted COVID-19, President Joe Biden tested…
Sen. Joe Manchin: “No vote on $2T bill, I can’t vote for it.”
A possibly fatal blow to President Joe Biden's hallmark measure came Sunday when Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin…
Biden’s Executive Order Will Improve Social Security’s Online Services.…
“For millions of people who retire each year, you should be able to apply for Social Security benefits without…
Joe Biden Must Restore Student Loan Debt Repayment to Save Americans
According to reports from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the average student loan debt in 2020 has reached…
Federal Student Loan Payments Will Resume in February After Biden Lifts Pause
One of the benefits enjoyed due to the start of the Pandemic is how payments, interest accruals, and collections of…