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Personal Finance
Even One Additional Dollar in Income Can Result in a Significant Tax Increase
Taxing your Social Security benefits on your tax return is a fairly common practice. However, you have to…
Unemployment is Higher Among Men in Their 30s With Criminal Records, Which Makes…
According to research published by RAND Corp. economists, as many as half of the unemployed men in their 30s have…
Blame Biden for Higher Gas Prices. Here’s Why?
Russia's invasion of Ukraine will raise oil prices, says President Biden. He warns that gas prices will soon rise.…
Child Tax Credit: Your Refund Could Bring an Additional $1,800
Last year, the 2021 expanded child tax credit provided six checks worth $300 each to millions of eligible families.…
Tax Credits for Children Will Drop from $3,600 to $2,000 in the Near Future
The 1.9 trillion dollar American Rescue Plan Act was passed by President Biden soon after he took office in 2021.…
Tax Credits for Children: $500 Payments and $175 in Tax Credits
In New Mexico state, a child tax credit rebate has been created that is worth $175 per child.
Worker families in…
Low-income Americans Get a Bigger Tax Refund Thanks to ETIC
Despite the fact that a fourth stimulus check is very doubtful in the United States, millions of low-income…
Here’s What You Can Do If Rent Rises after your Covid Deal Expired?
You might not be able to find a new apartment if you were lucky enough to get a Covid deal on your current…
9.5 Billion Checks Have Been Issued, With Average Payment Worth $2,201
On Friday, the IRS released statistical data that gave taxpayers a glimpse into the start of the tax season.…
Parents Are Entitled to an Additional $8,000 in Child Tax Credits This Tax Season;…
The increased Child Tax Credit payments in 2021 have benefited millions of American families, but many parents are…