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WHO Official: New COVID-19 Variant Could Be Worse Than Omicron & Delta
An official at the World Health Organization (WHO) publicly revealed on Tuesday, January 25, that they anticipate…
T-mobile Employees With NO Vaccine Will Be Fired Beginning April 2
Bloomberg reports that the tech giant, T-mobile will terminate employees' contracts who don't complete COVID-19…
The Vaccine Mandate Will Only Be Implemented for the First Wave of Health Workers
According to a Biden administration rule, healthcare professionals in around half of the states must receive their…
COVID-19 Kills 15-month-old California Baby as Case Rate Jumps to a New High
An unnamed 15-month-old toddler has died of COVID-19, according to Los Angeles County.
Across the country, the…
Study: 50% of COVID Patients Suffer This Long-term Symptom
While the COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for nearly two years, we are still discovering how the virus affects…
Biden Administration to Remove Covid-19 Vaccinations and Testing Policy for…
As a result of the Supreme Court's decision earlier this month to block the regulation, the Biden administration is…
New Policy: All Beijing Residents to Get COVID-19 Test if They Obtain Cold…
In Beijing, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission has announced that all residents who buy cold medication must…
Study Find Depressed Americans Are Likely to Believe Misinformation About Covid-19…
Depression may make people more vulnerable to misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines found online, a new study in…
CDC: Seniors Without Boosters are 49 Times More Likely to be Hospitalized
New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that adults aged 65 or older who were not…
Covid-19 & Forecasted Wintry Weather Forces School Closures in Central Texas
School districts in some areas have made the choice to close as a precautionary measure ahead of possible inclement…