No Bail for Salt Lake City’s Long-Term Nuisance in Neighborhood
On Monday, neighbors are experiencing a sense of relief as a result of the fact that a guy who has been the subject of an investigation by 2News was denied bail.
In Salt Lake City, Maurice Raffoul, who is 43 years old, has been a source of horror for his neighbors for many years.
More than one hundred times since 1995, the Salt Lake City Police Department has visited the residence of his parents, where he currently resides.
Wendy Halloran, the Chief Investigative Reporter for 2News, had a conversation with Maurice Raffoul’s father in the hallway prior to the hearing. The father stated that what Halloran was doing was “racketeering.”
Salt Lake City neighbors are breathing a sigh of relief after a man who has been at the center of a 2News investigation was denied bail:
Salt Lake City neighbors are breathing a sigh of relief after a man who has been at the center of a 2News investigation was denied bail.
— KUTV2news (@KUTV2News) December 12, 2023
When Maurice Raffoul’s new attorney arrived, he pointed his finger in Halloran’s face and stated that 2News would not be broadcasting the hearing.
This was despite the fact that the judge had granted 2News permission to serve as pool camera last week in order to film the entire proceeding.
After being brought from the Salt Lake County Jail, where he had been held in solitary confinement since November 15, Raffoul appeared in court on Monday morning.
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The initial investigation by 2News showed video of him violating a civil stalking injunction that Sean and Cheryl Hannon, his neighbors, had against him on November 3. His arrest occurred a few hours before the initial investigation was shown.
We are unable to broadcast the video in its entirety due to the fact that it contains a great deal of vulgar language.
Maurice Raffoul: Nobody f**ks with me you little worthless sh*t.
Maurice Raffoul: You should have filed when I first started you b**ch. Know your law and get on your knees at Sim Gill’s office.