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WHO cautions new Covid variants could arise that are completely resistant to…
It was announced Wednesday by the World Health Organization that new coronavirus variations might arise during the…
Dr. Robert Malone was permanently banned from Twitter for stating that “Pfizer…
For tweeting that the "Pfizer mRNA vaccination causes more damage than benefit," Dr. Robert Malone, the alleged…
California Became the First State to Reach 5 Million Cases, Despite an Increase in…
As a result of the holiday weekend, the state dashboard didn't go live until Tuesday, but California became the…
Biden’s Decision to Shorten Covid-19 Isolation Has Sparked Confusion and…
The decision by U.S. health officials to lower the recommended COVID-19 isolation and quarantine period from 10…
Before Jan. 1, These Covid Relief Provisions Will Expire!
It is not just the increased Child Tax Credit that is to blame. The expiration of the additional $1,600 for parents…
Investigators create groundbreaking ultrasound therapies that could destroy…
According to the CDC, more than 250 million individuals have tested positive with COVID-19 since March 2020.…
What You Can Do To Prepare for Biden’s Latest Vaccine Mandate
On January 4, 2022, with kickstart President Joe Biden's vaccine mandate. It will see a ramp-up of efforts to get…
U.S. Officials Advocate a Shorter Covid Isolation and Quarantine Period
Health officials in the United States on Monday reduced the length of time that asymptomatic Americans who contract…
Survey: 62% of Americans Aren’t Currently Vaccinated & They Have No…
According to a new poll conducted by The Economist and YouGov, 62 percent of those who have not been vaccinated…
COVID-19 patients have hardly expanded levels of oxidative stress and oxidant…
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine looked at how COVID-19 infection affected oxidative stress, oxidant…