LAS VEGAS — a man from Las Vegas cast two votes in the 2020 election using his deceased wife’s ballot. Withdrew his guilty plea on a felony charge on Thursday, and pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. Instead as part of a plea deal. He spared jail time and a $2,000 fine is require.
Donald “Kirk” Hartle, a 56-year-old Republican voter. First, mention as charged with two crimes related to the 2020 election by The 8 News Now Investigators. Hartle entered a guilty plea. To one count of casting multiple ballots in the same election in court last November. Hartle and the prosecution had agreed for him to change his request after a year and avoid going to jail.
Judge Carli Kierny fined Hartle $2,000 and commanded him to abstain from trouble-making in November last year. Judge Bita Yeager accepted Hartle’s revised guilty plea. To a misdemeanor charge of conspiring to cast multiple ballots in an election on Thursday. After finding that he had fulfilled that requirement.
Kirk Hartle provided information to 8 News Now Investigators in a 2020 interview that Rosemarie Hartle. A resident of Las Vegas passed away at 52 years old and died of breast cancer in 2017. Kirk Hartle asserted that the ballot never arrived at his home. Although Rosemarie Hartle’s ballot issued in October 2020. The county later acquired it. Rosemarie’s name is on the list of registered voters. Even though she passed away in 2017, according to the 8 News Now Investigators.
Kirk Hartle said to Kearny last year, “Please accept my sincere appreciation for your consideration and my genuine acceptance of full responsibility for my actions.
That makes me feel pretty sick. Craig Hartle said, speaking to the 8 News Now Investigators in November 2020. “It was skepticism. It didn’t make sense to me, but it gave some credence to the reports you’ve been reading about these possibilities, and it now has me wondering how widespread this is.
Kearny told Hartle in court last year, “In the end, This appears to be a cheap political ploy that backfired somewhat and demonstrates that our voting system is flawed. Works because you were ultimately caught.”
On November 10, 2020, the Nevada GOP tweeted, “Kirk Hartle feels ‘disbelief’ and sickening about someone voting in his deceased wife’s name. How did the fake signature get past the signature checker in Clark County? A dead person voting in Nevada is not unique, either.
More than two years after Hartle’s conviction, the tweet was live as of Thursday.
Aaron Ford, the attorney general of Nevada, said in a statement last year that voter fraud, although uncommon, can undermine confidence in our electoral process. “This particular instance of voter fraud was particularly egregious because the perpetrator, who was also the source of the scam, consistently disseminated false information about our elections. I am pleased that Mr.Hartle is held accountable for what he did, and I want to stress that our office will look into any claims of voter fraud that are backed up by evidence.

According to audits and lawsuits brought in several states, including Nevada, there is no proof of widespread voter fraud. The Nevada Attorney General’s Office has only got one case so far in connection with the 2020 election: Hartle.
According to the Republican-led Nevada Secretary of State’s Office. The Nevada Supreme Court and several judges said there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Six Republican electors and President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign filed a lawsuit to have Nevada’s election results thrown out.
After being contacted several times for comment, the Nevada GOP is not responding.
While Nevada Republican leaders accused the 2020 election of fraud, they did not do the same for 2022 primary or the general election last week, which used the same procedures.
Every registered voter in Nevada will receive a mail-in ballot starting in 2021 unless they choose to opt-out of receiving one. The laws also established new procedures for removing deceased voters from voter lists.