If you’re fighting to make ends satisfied, it might begin with where you reside. It can be not easy to reach a great paycheck far to spend for needs and have money given over for additions and a little pleasure if you’re in a position where the cost of living is powerful. Therefore, it might be a period to go to a more affordable area.
To assist you in pinpointing the most affordable areas to live in, it was examined that living costs in 150 of the biggest U.S. cities to discover where you can live easily.
The 50/30/20 budgeting law was adopted as a guideline, in which 50% of revenue comprises requirements, 30% covers optional details, and 20% is for profits. For terms, the price of rent, markets, uses, transportation, and healthcare was adopted.
Then, it can increase the cost of necessities to receive the entire income required.
Huntsville, Alabama
The total yearly cost of living: $26,385.81
Yearly income needed: $52,771.62
The total yearly cost of living: $26,502.54
Yearly income needed: $53,005.07
Laredo, Texas
The total yearly cost of living: $26,041.71
Yearly income needed: $52,083.42
Chattanooga, Tennessee
The total yearly cost of living: $26,037.48
Yearly income needed: $52,074.97
Kansas City, Missouri
The total yearly cost of living: $26,168.67
Yearly income needed: $52,337.33
Greensboro, North Carolina
The total yearly cost of living: $25,927.14
Yearly income needed: $51,854.28
Corpus Christi, Texas
The total yearly cost of living: $25,800.21
Yearly income needed: $51,600.42
The total yearly cost of living: $25,977.35
Yearly income needed: $51,954.70
The total yearly cost of living: $25,758.50
Yearly income needed: $51,517
Tulsa, Oklahoma
The total yearly cost of living: $25,217.09
Yearly income needed: $50,434.18
Wichita, Kansas
The total yearly cost of living: $25,200.71
Yearly income needed: $50,401.42
Des Moines, Iowa
The total yearly cost of living: $25,635.13
Yearly income needed: $51,270.26
The total yearly cost of living: $25,112.34
Yearly income needed: $50,224.67
Mobile, Alabama
The total yearly cost of living: $24,981.49
Yearly income needed: $49,962.98
Little Rock, Arkansas
The total yearly cost of living: $24,958.48
Yearly income needed: $49,916.95
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
The total yearly cost of living: $25,034.16
Yearly income needed: $50,068.31
The total yearly cost of living: $24,903.13
Yearly income needed: $49,806.26
Augusta-Richmond, Georgia
The total yearly cost of living: $24,778.75
Yearly income needed: $49,557.49
El Paso, Texas
The total yearly cost of living: $24,715.64
Yearly income needed: $49,431.28
Amarillo, Texas
The total yearly cost of living: $24,839.61
Yearly income needed: $49,679.21
Lubbock, Texas
The total yearly cost of living: $24,592.25
Yearly income needed: $49,184.51
St. Louis
The total annual cost of living: $24,495.14
Yearly income needed: $48,990.28
Buffalo, New York
The total yearly cost of living: $24,163.60
Yearly income needed: $48,327.20
Shreveport, Louisiana
The total yearly cost of living: $23,126.13
Yearly income needed: $46,252.26
Fort Wayne, Indiana
The total yearly cost of living: $23,717.29
Yearly income needed: $47,434.58
Memphis, Tennessee
The total yearly cost of living: $23,131.05
Yearly income needed: $46,262.09
Fayetteville, North Carolina
The total yearly cost of living: $24,246.71
Yearly income needed: $48,493.43
Montgomery, Alabama
The total yearly cost of living: $22,936.20
Yearly income needed: $45,872.40
Akron, Ohio
The total annual cost of living: $20,381.18
Yearly income needed: $40,762.35
Rochester, New York
The total yearly cost of living: $22,577.04
Yearly income needed: $45,154.08
Toledo, Ohio
The total yearly cost of living: $20,928.10
Yearly income needed: $41,856.20
Birmingham, Alabama
The total yearly cost of living: $22,049.47
Yearly income needed: $44,098.95
Brownsville, Texas
The total yearly cost of living: $21,835.35
Yearly income needed: $43,670.70
Columbus, Georgia
The total yearly cost of living: $22,594.26
Yearly income needed: $45,188.52
The total yearly cost of living: $20,323.36
Yearly income needed: $40,646.72
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