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Police in Manhattan Arrested A Drunken off-duty FDNY Firefighter for Vandalizing a Religious Hut

Allegedly, an intoxicated off-duty New York City firefighter lived true to his moniker by relieving himself inside a sukkah (a temporary structure built in Manhattan for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot).

On October 8, police claimed Firefighter Marty P. Party rang in a sukkah near Second Avenue and East 92nd Street. They continued, saying he urinated inside the makeshift bathroom.

The FDNY has suspended 37-year-old Party from his Manhattan firehouse for a month after his arrest on Friday

On November 8, police released an image of him. This year’s Jewish holiday of Sukkot began on October 9—one day after Party allegedly hosed out the sukkah, the temporary structure in which Jews eat, worship, and sleep.

The Israelites built this shelter to remember their stay in the wilderness when they were freed from slavery. After an investigation, the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force concluded that Party’s actions were not motivated by bias but rather by his consumption of alcohol.


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