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North Texans at Lizzo’s Dallas Show Discuss What Makes Her So “Special”

On Friday, Lula Villa and Yessenia Ojeda brought their 8-year-old daughter Armani to the American Airlines Center for the “Special” tour by Lizzo.

Armani was astounded by her surroundings. Just thirty seconds ago, Villa and Ojeda informed her that she was going to attend her first concert. It was a fantastic treat for the whole Lizzo-loving family.

Lizzo’s song “Special”

Lizzo could not help but shed tears and hesitate before describing the significance of his song “Special”, which she claims is their hymn to their baby daughter.

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“We are a gay family and a non-traditional family. I believe that a message stating, “Hey, regardless of what you’re being told, what you’re going through, and how shattered you may feel, you’re worth it” is quite effective. You matter, you’re enough. You should continue to exist. And I believe we don’t hear it enough. “

Lizzbians in North Texas

Like many “Lizzbians” (fans of Lizzo) in North Texas, Villa and her family love how the artist reminds them over and over again that they are unique.

“We love that she is overweight, African American, and proud,” Villa added. “We admire that she doesn’t apologise for who she is. And also we appreciate that she is in Dallas. I believe Dallas could generally use more of this sort of energy.

Lizzo is renowned for her outspokenness on issues ranging from LGBTQ rights to voter registration and reproductive health.

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After performing “Naked” during the event in Dallas, the words “My Body, My Choice” were lit on the performer’s body.

But on Friday night, Lizzo said that she wants to concentrate on the essence of her message, which is self-love and respect.

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