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Miami-Dade Police Department Launches Annual ‘Holiday Crime Initiative’ to Improve Holiday Security

Miami-Dade Police Department Launches Annual 'Holiday Crime Initiative' to Improve Holiday Security

Miami-Dade Police Department Launches Annual 'Holiday Crime Initiative' to Improve Holiday Security

This Friday marks the beginning of the Annual Holiday Crime Initiative that is being carried out by the Miami-Dade Police Department.

This initiative will beef up security measures all around the county to ensure that the holiday season is spent without incident.

The Director of the Miami-Dade Police Department, Stephanie Daniels, has directed both uniformed and non-uniformed officers to step up their surveillance efforts and increase the frequency of high-visibility patrols.

The primary concentration will be placed on big shopping malls and centers, as well as other areas that see a lot of foot traffic.

In addition, as part of the program, the department will communicate important suggestions for the prevention of crime, putting an emphasis on campaigns such as “Lock it or Lose it” and “See Something, Say Something.

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