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Lincoln Park Dog Walker Robbed at Gunpoint

A Wisconsin lady walking her dog in Chicago’s Lincoln Park area was robbed at gunpoint Wednesday morning.

The lady, whose relatives claimed she had relocated away from Chicago to avoid violence last year, met the armed robber on a security film shortly after 11 a.m. Wednesday.

Mike said his mother-in-law, who was visiting from Wisconsin, was strolling around Wayne and Webster when the event happened.

“My mother-in-law was coming over to Christmas shop with my wife,” he stated. “She walked her dog before entering our home.

Threatened to Murder

Before she arrived, two guys leapt out of the vehicle, pointed a pistol at her, and demanded her handbag, threatening to murder her and her dog.

Mike claims his mother-in-law handed over her pocketbook, and the burglar snatched her car keys and drove away.

Also read: Crime in Lincoln Park-A Man was Stabbed in the Neck on a CTA Train, According to the Police

“She’s one of the hardest females I’ve ever met,” he remarked.

Mike and His Wife Feel Unsafe in Chicago

“I implore any local authority to make our city secure,” he stated. “We are taxpayers considering moving since our city is crumbling apart.”

Another neighbor, who submitted NBC 5 camera evidence of the theft, believes officials are not doing enough to curb crime.

Also read: Two more Lincoln Park couples were robbed overnight as North Side robberies escalate

“The judges don’t want to perform their duties, and politicians are benefiting from no one doing their jobs,” David Hussar remarked.

Ald. Brian Hopkins of Chicago’s 2nd Ward said police patrols are required, but the criminal justice system must thoroughly pursue the thieves.

Increase patrols. “We must arrest and prosecute these guys better,” he added.


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