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Child Tax Credit: Your Refund Could Bring an Additional $1,800

Last year, the 2021 expanded child tax credit provided six checks worth $300 each to millions of eligible families. Despite the end of those payments, parents should still expect to get more money with their tax refund this year, CNET.

For children under the age of 6, the amount could be $1,800, and for children aged 6 to 17, it could be $1,500. After they file their tax returns, families who opted out of advance payments could receive either $3,600 per child or $3,000 per child.

Keep track of Letter 6419 from the IRS if you want to receive the rest of your money. There will also be a breakdown of your 2021 income and how many qualifying dependents you have. You could risk delaying your tax refund if you fail to ensure the accuracy of all the information on Letter 6419. When it comes time to file your taxes, here’s what you can expect.

In details, this piece also includes how to file your 2021 tax return for free, how to avoid getting flagged by the IRS, and why you might want to pay your taxes with a credit card.

Keep Your IRS Letter About Your Child Tax Credit

Toward the end of December, the IRS sent families Letter 6419. Watch your mailbox if you have not received it yet, since some letters are still traveling. You should check the letter carefully for important information about your child’s tax credit payments, for example, the number of dependents used to calculate the amount you receive.

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No matter whether you lose the letter or don’t receive it, don’t freak out. With an online IRS account, you can access all the information you need to file your 2021 tax return. Log in and click “View my tax records” to view your 2021 advance child tax credit payments and the number of eligible children. In fact, the IRS recommends verifying your information on its website because some of the information in Letter 6419 may have been inaccurate. IRS requires you to keep your accounts up-to-date and accurate.

What Is The Amount Of The Child Tax Credit That You Can Expect To Receive This Year?

Upon filing your 2021 taxes, you may be eligible for up to $1,800 or $1,500 per child age 6-17 if you and your family meet the income eligibility requirements and received each advance payment between July and December 2021.

No matter how many children you have, the expanded child tax credit will be available to you, but the amount depends on your income level. The credit starts decreasing at $75,000 income for single filers or $150,000 for those filing married jointly. It provides $220,000 and $440,000, respectively.

After opting out of partial payments, you’ll receive your tax refund in full — up to $3,600 per child under 6 and $3,000 per child from 6 to 17 years old. Those payments that you didn’t make because of IRS errors or because you unenrolled should be included in your 2021 tax refund.

Can You Receive a Child Tax Credit Check If One Doesn’t Arrive In 2021?

The IRS may have made an error or have outdated information regarding one of your previous checks, which means that you may not have the money from the check. You can wait until your taxes are filed for the IRS to resolve the issue, or you can do a payment trace. You should track your check before you do that so and try not to expect a duplicate.

Currently, the IRS does not have information about dependents you acquired since you last filed taxes. If this is the case, you will not receive any money until you file your taxes. Your tax refund will be affected by the monthly payments you made last year. If you received child tax credits this year, it could potentially affect your tax situation (for better or worse). The following are the ways:

You received an overpayment and the IRS didn’t adjust the amount on later payments. You’ll have to pay this back.

You received payments you didn’t qualify for. You’ll have to pay the IRS back.

Your income changed, and you didn’t report it to the IRS. Based on whether you earned more or less than the IRS used to calculate your payment, you might receive a larger or smaller tax refund or owe the IRS.

You opted out of the payments last year, so the payout will be larger this year.

You received money for a child who turned 18 last year. You may have to pay that money back.

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It is possible that you will not necessarily need to repay the advance child tax credit money you received in 2021. You can claim “repayment protection” depending on your income level if you adopted a child or had a newborn since last filing your tax return. When you file your taxes, you’ll be able to claim up to $3,600 if you had a baby or adopted a child by the end of December. Your back pay includes the advance payments from July through December, as well as the chunk coming with your refund. In this situation, you should receive the money when you file your tax return and tell the IRS about your household changes.

In the absence of a vote extending the payments, the enhanced monthly child tax credit checks will return to the prior amounts. The House of Representatives ratified the Build Back Better bill in November, extending the child tax credit increase and advance payments. The bill, however, was effectively killed by Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, who said he would not support it without requiring parents to work. He wants to break up the Build Back Better bill into smaller chunks. Biden is not certain whether the enhanced child tax credit will remain.

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