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Biden to Propose a 4.6 Percent Salary Rise for Federal Employees and Service Members.

A 4.6 percent wage boost for government employees and military service members is scheduled to be proposed by President Biden in March, according to a story in the Washington Post.

In the fiscal 2023 budget, which the president is set to propose next month, employees and service members would receive average raises of 4.5 percent beginning in January and continuing until December of that year.

It would come on the heels of civilian federal employees earning an average rise of 2.7 percent on January 1.

Those compensation increases were imposed by Biden in accordance with a clause in the United States Code that permits him to boost his salary when he determines that doing so is necessary due to a “national emergency or significant economic conditions harming the general welfare.”

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The White House and the Office of Management and Budget did not reply to a request for comment from The Hill within an hour of receipt.

During the administration of President George W. Bush, the federal employees received a 4.6 percent wage boost in 2002.

Bush had proposed a 3.6 percent average rise in his budget, but Democratic members of Congress at the time campaigned for a greater increase to be implemented.

Following his State of the Union address on March 1, President Biden is anticipated to reveal his fiscal 2023 budget demands, according to Shalanda D. Young, interim director of the Office of Management and Budget, who spoke to senators last week.

Biden recently increased the wages of government employees for the second time.

Last month, it took effect when the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) sent a letter to heads of executive departments and agencies with instructions on raising pay rates for federal employees to at least $15 per hour.

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