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Alabama on Texas’ Path, Proposes Texas-Like Abortion Bill

Abortion is legalized in every state of the US including Washington DC. Except that there is a law in Texas that makes a little difference and Alabama wants something similar and more.

The New Law in Texas

From September 1, 2021, a legislative action banned abortion after pregnancy is 5 weeks 6 days old. They believe that aborting a fetus with a heartbeat is murder. In other states, abortion is allowed at least to 19weeks, 6 days of the pregnancy.

The Texas Heartbeat Act was introduced as Senate Bill 8 (SB8) and House Bill 1515 on March 11, 2021; signed into law by the Governor of Texas; Governor Greg Abbott on May 19, 2021. On September 1, 2021; the law took effect.

As a way for quick compliance, the Act establishes a system in which anyone who performs or facilities an illegal abortion can be sued by any member of the public to the tune of at least $10,000 statutory damages. At last, 6 weeks abortion is illegal somewhere in the US.

The supreme court of Friday 10th Dec. 2021; ruled that the Texas Heartbeat Law remains in place; any service provider that is not pleased with this law can file a lawsuit to challenge it.

What do a 19 weeks, 6 days fetus look like?

The baby will start kicking around now if it has not yet started kicking, the lungs are forming already, at this point, there are only 4 months before delivery. The baby is a complete child, 6 inches long.

Read More: How to Get $8,000 Stimulus Payment in 2022?

Alabama Heartbeat Act

Using an act of legislation, a group of Lawmakers in Alabama have requested that a Law similar to that of Texas banning most abortions should also be enforced in Alabama. The bill also included that anyone, can file a civil lawsuit against violators and collect damages. I think this “anyone” will favor men that had their pregnancy aborted without their consent.

Why Do Women Commit Abortion?

Bad timing, unplanned, not ready, finance, emotionally or mentally unprepared, influence from friends and families, health concerns, unwanted baby, not ready for adoption, not mature enough, not independent, abusive partner, not committed partner, wrong guy, rape, incest…

Whatever your reason may be, don’t mess with Texas. There is a law against 6 weeks plus abortion and Alabama for a start is following…they want their law too. A lot of other states, especially republican states might follow this trend.

The Alabama Heartbeat bill is already filed towards 2022.

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