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Affordable Care Act Receive High Record of Americans Registration for Health Coverage in 2022

As a result of the Obama-era health law, President Biden announced on Thursday that 14.5 million Americans got their own private health insurance for the first time this year.

“Health care should be a right, not a privilege, for all Americans,” Mr. Biden stated, according to CBS.

“We are making that right a reality for a record number of people, bringing down costs and increasing access for families across the country.”

However, if congressional Democrats fail to reach an agreement on Mr. Biden’s social agenda package, progress may be short-lived.

By providing generous subsidy increases in Mr. Biden’s earlier Coronavirus relief bill, he could reduce the premiums and out-of-pocket costs of new and returning customers.

However, the additional assistance is only temporary.

It will go away at the end of this year without congressional action to extend it more years or make it permanent.

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A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has encouraged more people to enroll.

Between the end of 2020 and September 2021, one in seven uninsured Americans gets health coverage, with lower-income Americans gaining coverage at the highest rate.

This period overlaps with the special sign-up period during which the Biden administration was active much of last year.

It does not cover the regular sign-up period for 2022.

The ACA, better known as “Obamacare,” offers health insurance to people who lack job-based coverage through a mix of subsidized private plans and expanded Medicaid, which is provided in most states.

Thursday’s numbers reflect the private insurance side of the program, available in all states through or state-run health insurance markets.

All told, the number of people covered by the Obama law is estimated at around 30 million.

“This did not happen by accident,” Mr. Biden stated.

According to him, his COVID-19 relief bill, “did more to lower costs and expand access to health care than any action since the passage of the Affordable Care Act.”

Furthermore, the Biden administration improved outreach by increasing enrollment counselors and advertising more.

Most states have ended open enrollment, so those still looking for coverage will need to prove that they have a specific reason for needing coverage, such as a new job or a change in circumstances.

States that offer state-run insurance markets, however, remain open through next Monday, including California, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Washington, D.C.

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