94-Year-Old Levy County Resident Nominated for National Awards

Bill Brown, also known as Mr. Bill, is not only a local hero, but he has also been nominated for a prestigious national award.

In Bronson, a small town in North Central Florida, a 94-year-old man has become a symbol of hope and kindness.

94-year-old man in Levy County receives national award nominations:

From a Home Garden to a Community Lifeline

Mr. Bill’s journey began with a simple home garden where he grew vegetables. This small project has grown into a vital food bank, providing essential support to families across Levy County.

His commitment to feeding the hungry has been unwavering, with The Children’s Table food bank serving a thousand families weekly.

Three Decades of Selfless Service

With 30 years of community service, Mr. Bill’s efforts have made a significant impact. Approaching his 95th birthday, he remains dedicated to his cause.

“Here I am at almost 95 and I’m making an impact in the community,” Mr. Bill shared, emphasizing his belief that no one in Levy County should go hungry.

Recognition for a Veteran’s Service

Mr. Bill’s exemplary service has motivated volunteers and community members to seek special recognition for him.

Stacey Kile, a fellow volunteer at the food bank, was inspired to nominate him for the CNN Heroes Award. “I said ‘this is something for Bill,’” Kile stated, recognizing Mr. Bill’s extraordinary contribution to the community.

Read some of the latest news below:

Mr. Bill Grateful for Nominations

Despite the attention and accolades, Mr. Bill remains humble and focused on his mission.

Upon learning about the nominations, he expressed appreciation for the gesture but emphasized that appreciation is not the reason behind his service. “We do it out of our love for the people that we serve,” he said, reflecting his selfless nature.

A Legacy of Love and Service

Mr. Bill’s story is not just about the awards or recognition; it’s about a deep-seated commitment to helping others.

His message is clear: “Everybody is welcome at our place.” His legacy continues to inspire and impact lives, proving that age is no barrier to making a difference in the world.

As the community and beyond watch the progress of Mr. Bill’s nomination for the CNN Heroes Award, his life and work serve as a testament to the power of kindness and community service.

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