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20 Arrested in Orange County Home Burglary Investigations

20 Arrested in Orange County Home Burglary Investigations

20 Arrested in Orange County Home Burglary Investigations

The police caught 20 people for robbing houses all over Orange County. These folks had connections to gangs from Los Angeles and worked together to steal stuff, as the Laguna Beach Police Department found out.

After digging for 13 months, they arrested five younger people and 15 grown-ups who were part of this sneaky gang.

These guys are responsible for at least 34 robberies in Orange County, taking off with more than $500,000 in cash, fancy things, guns, and jewelry.

They even swiped a Range Rover, but they found it later and gave it back to the owner. These robbers would check out social media to see when rich people weren’t home.

Police have arrested 20 people for a string of burglaries targeting homes across Orange County:

The Laguna Beach police got onto them in December 2022 after a house was robbed on Skyline Drive.

The thieves went in through a window and took about $10,000 worth of jewelry.

In August, security cameras caught two masked robbers breaking into a house on Alta Laguna Boulevard. The homeowner called the cops right away, and they spotted the robbers’ car. They tried to stop them, but the robbers got away.

On December 13, the cops arrested nine suspects, but 11 others are still out there with serious trouble waiting for them.

These News Have Made a Lot of Noise Recently:

They charged two people: Jesus Alberto Guerro, 29, and Jamari Njie Devon Manning, 19. Jesus faces 14 big charges, while Jamari and Nathaniel Eric Roberts, 25, have five charges each.

The District Attorney said these criminals wreck our feeling of safety at home. He promised they’d hunt down anyone trying to steal in Orange County.

The Laguna Beach cops teamed up with lots of other police crews to investigate this, and they think these robbers might have done even more crimes.

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