13-Year-Old Boy Arrested After Threatening School Shooting in Pinellas County

Sheriff’s deputies have reported that a kid from Carwise Middle School was taken into custody on Saturday.

According to the authorities, the girl, who was 13 years old at the time, communicated with another student through a group conversation on Snapchat about her participation in a school shooting.

The kid, who later informed his parents about the texts, was threatened with a gun by the teenager, according to the deputies. The threat was made in the event that the student reported the incident to anybody.

13-year-old arrested in Pinellas County after threating school shooting in group chat:

Law enforcement was informed by the student’s parents, according to the respective officials. According to the deputies, when they went to the residence of the 13-year-old defendant, he admitted to sending the messages. Nevertheless, he said he was kidding.

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The middle school student was taken into custody and charged with making written threats to kill or carry out a mass shooting when the inquiry was completed. The Pinellas Juvenile Assessment Center was the location where he was taken.

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